Editor’s Letter – April 2017

I have to say I cannot get enough of these brighter longer evenings. I am running a half marathon this month and what better timing with Easter coming up. My favourite chocolate egg is all of them so let’s hope the Easter bunny does not disappoint me this year! We have an extremely uplifting issue this month. I met with the infectiously glowing Madeleine Shaw who shares her healthy eating philosophy, nutritional advice and tells us how we can all get the glow through eating beautiful seasonal foods (page 10). You might think Clapham High Street is just like any other London high street but you will stand to be corrected. Clapham photographer Jim Grover spent 48 hours creating a stunning photo essay that will evoke a laugh and a tear or two. He has, without doubt, discovered and revealed that there’s a whole new world out there beyond the grey (page 17).

Do you remember the all American girl group and dancing troupe The Pussy Cat Dolls? We caught up with all-singing, all-dancing doll Ashley Roberts to find out about her new business venture and her favourite local spots (page 9). Finally, I took a jaunt over to the Humble Grape on Battersea Rise for a wine tasting and tapas experience. Their wines are all sourced from relatively unknown vineyards direct to your glass. You can read more about that on
page 15.

Happy Easter! 

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