Welcome to the first series of Podcasts by Preggers (Lindsey Clarke) and Popped (Jenny Conlon). Are you prego or have you just popped? The reason we’ve decided to create this podcast is because we felt the burning desire to share the down, dirty and the reality of life pre and post pregnancy. It sure as hell is not always fun and games with all the milfs living their best lives. It’s far far from it. Let us pop ya cherry… We have never done this before and it was very off the cuff last Sunday morning on the floor in Lindsey’s new house with Cora (Jenny’s daughter, 3 months old) joining the chat too. We didn’t plan our chat, we just let it flow like our bodily functions. We hope this podcast will make you feel normal.
We really want this to be an open discussion where pregnant women and mums can share things on another level with no judgement, shyness or embarrassment because this is life and reality!!! There will be no sugar coating, just candid and open conversations… let’s support each other, the more knowledge we have by sharing our journeys and experiences, the more comfortable we will feel, well that’s the aim at least!
It would be great to hear your feedback.
Thanks for listening,